eBritishielts : Learn What Words to Avoid in IELTS Speaking
Achieving a high band Score in the IELTS exam is crucial for getting into the institution of your dreams. It also requires patience and effort. Along with this, one thing that most people ignore is expert guidance. If you want to get your desired IELTS band score, you will need to prepare under the direction of an IELTS expert.
Did you know, every year, nearly 2.5 million candidates appear for the IELTS exam? Sadly, out of these, not many are able to achieve Band 7 or more in their test. As per a recent survey for IELTS, most of the students score quite less in the IELTS Speaking test. It may be because when it comes to the IELTS Speaking, you need to have a face to face conversation with the examiner.
IELTS Speaking Test – A Brief Overview
After the initial greeting and ID check, here is what your IELTS Speaking test will look like:
Part 1: Questions & Answers related to oneself (4-5 minutes)
Part 2: A talk on a topic given on a flashcard (1-2 minutes)
Part 3: Further discussion of the topic (4-5 minutes)
The IELTS Speaking test is basically designed to check your fluency in spoken English. So, there are numerous things that you need to care about during it. Some of the basic ones are:
- Pronunciation
- Vocabulary
- Grammatical Range & Accuracy
While pronunciation and grammatical accuracy can be achieved by practice, vocabulary is something you will have to learn over time. So, while you are preparing for your IELTS test online with eBritishielts, jot down all the new words you come across, and make sure to use them in your everyday speaking. Also, keep a note of the words you must avoid during IELTS Speaking to get a high band score. Some of them are:
Words to Avoid in IELTS Speaking
- For Things You Like/Dislike
Never use cliched phrases like “I love traveling” or “I hate swimming” during your IELTS Speaking exam. In fact, you can avoid such common things in your IELTS Writing, as well. In place of these, you can use the following for describing whether you like or dislike something. Have a look:
Fond Of:
I am fond of traveling.
I grew fond of the old teacher.
I am keen on learning new languages.
I am a keen supporter of feminism.
Online IELTS training appeals to me because it’s more convenient.
I found the storyline of the novel quite appealing.
Growing on:
Classical music started growing on me quite recently.
Get a lot of pleasure:
I get a lot of pleasure working out because it’s a stress buster.
- For Getting Clarifications
Instead of saying your examiner you didn’t understand him, straight away, say the following:
Do you mind rephrasing the statement/question?
Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.
Could you please repeat the same?
- For Providing Clarification
In order to clarify your own statement, never use common phrases like “It means.” Instead, you can go for:
To put it another way:
To put it another way, the IELTS Academic test is best for anyone who wants to pursue a degree abroad.
What I mean is:
What I mean is, we need to focus more on women’s empowerment.
What I am implying:
What I am implying is, in the near future, we can expect India in the Football World cup.
What I am trying to say:
What I am trying to say here is that if you have bad handwriting, computer-aided IELTS is the best for you.
- The Use of Fillers
During your IELTS Speaking test, you may need to buy extra time to think of answers. In such a case, choose your fillers wisely. Instead of long pauses and words like umm, go for the following:
That’s an interesting question.
That’s a good question.
That’s a difficult question.
I haven’t really thought about it.
- For Opinions
Instead of using words like agree and disagree in your IELTS Speaking test, you can use the following:
In the Place of Agree:
In the Place of Disagree:
I beg to differ
I would like to think of it in another way.
That’s an interesting perspective, but I don’t think the same.
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on that.
- For Connecting Sentences
There will be times in your IELTS Speaking test when you may have to add information to whatever you say. Instead of saying it straight away, try to use linking words.
Add More Information With:
As well as
Another reason is
Giving Examples Using:
Such as
For instance
Expressing Ideas With:
I guess one reason is
I think the main difference is
You can even use the same during your IELTS writing easy. These will help you form a connection between your sentences and express yourself better.
So, these are words you can use in your IELTS Speaking test instead of the commonly used ones. Using them will show the examiner that you have a wide range of vocabulary. eBritishielts can help you with it. Be it IELTS General Training test, Academic test, or single IELTS modules; you can find all sorts of IELTS packages with us. Take our free assessment test now, and begin your journey towards achieving that perfect IELTS band score. Here is how online IELTS Preparation with eBritishielts works:
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